Genuine Georgia to Participate in Mural Funding benefitting Downtown, Greensboro, Georgia

Gather your friends and family and come to historic downtown Greensboro, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 19-21 to spend the day shopping! Genuine Georgia is joining other downtown businesses in donating a portion of our sales those three days to the Downtown Mural Project. Come check out all the new artists at Genuine Georgia and pick out just the right piece for your home décor or purchase that perfect gift for someone on your gift list. When you do, you help fund our Broad Street Pop Art Project!

Have you already checked out the completely restored Coca-Cola sign on the Broad Street Side of the Old Greene Supply building? It’s beautiful! This restoration has been completed just in time for Coca-Cola’s 50-year celebration of this particular logo. The UGA students of the Color Me Bright Project, have also just finished the Greensboro banner that is across the wall at the Greensboro Plaza area at the corner of North East Street and Broad.  

 Next in line for completion is the Welcome to Greensboro mural that was once on the side of the Sue Smith building on the corner of Main and Broad. “We are hoping to paint a new Welcome to Greensboro sign that is reminiscent of the original.” explains Cail Hammons, Greensboro’s community development director. “Our ability to do this really depends on the success of our fundraising efforts.  The goal with a crowdfunded project is that a community comes together to fund projects with large impact.  You do not have to be a large or corporate donor to participate.   Momentum builds through many small donations until big things are able to be accomplished.”

Cynthia Smith, owner of Genuine Georgia adds, “Help us get this unique sign funded so it can once again welcome folks to our wonderful hometown daily.  Genuine Georgia is combining with other downtown businesses in the Greensboro Business Association to do their part.” To send in your donations now, go to  Check out all the information there about all the exciting plan and join the efforts to brighten up Broad Street, making it more welcoming while work continues on rehabilitation of the area! Donations should be made to Greensboro Foundation for the Future and sent to PO Box 741, Greensboro, GA 30642.  All donations are tax deductible.

Come downtown to shop, eat and play, June 19, 20 and 21st while supporting beautification of historic downtown Greensboro through these exciting Pop Art Murals!  This town chooses to move forward daily with improvements – join the fun! Thank you for caring. Call Genuine Georgia at 706-453-1440 if you have questions about our participation.